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Sep. 17, 2021, Congratulations to Guanlin for his paper being accepted by Adv. Mater. Interfaces
Sep. 17, 2021. Congratulations to Guanlin for his paper "Improved V2OX Passivating Contact for p-Type Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells by...
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June 4, 2021, Congratulations to Le for her paper being accepted by ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
-June 4, 2021. Congratulations to Le LI for her paper "Interfacial Engineering of Cu2O Passivating Contact for Efficient Crystalline...
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Our work on MoOx/c-Si(p) heterojunction solar cells was promoted by
Our work on MoOx/c-Si(p) heterojunction solar cells (Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, DOI:10.1002/adfm.202004367) was promoted by...
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Aug. 11, 2020, Congratulations to Shuangying for her paper being accepted by Advanced Functional Mat
Aug. 11, 2020, Congratulations to Shuangying for her paper "Stable MoOX-based Heterocontacts for p-type Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells...
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近日,中国科学院上海高等研究院联合晋能清洁能源科技股份公司,在新型金属氧化物/硅异质结太阳电池研究中取得进展,相关结果以“Interfacial Behavior and Stability Analysis of p-Type Crystalline Silicon...
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